Cover Page
Effect of Workdays Lost to Presumptive Malaria on Households’ Poverty Status among Food Crop Farming Households in Rural South West, Nigeria
Adekanye J.O, Adeoti A. I, Adepoju A.O and Awoyemi T.T 1 – 26
Assessment of Livelihood Assets of Youth in Rubber Production in Edo and Ogun States, Nigeria
1F. E.Balogun, 2F. E Omoregbee and 1 P. O Anegbeh 27 – 46
Impact of Government Sectoral Expenditure on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria
Tijani Amoto Abdulmalik; Mujahid Aliyu; and Shekinah Oluchukwu Aziagba 47 – 64
Social Institution: A Review of Its Concepts and Functions
Yusuf, H. A.and Omokore, D. F 65 – 79
Examining Credit Access to Purchase Improved Oil Palm Processing Technology among Oil Palm Processors in Kogi State, Nigeria
Adah, O.C., Akor, A.J. and Omale, A.E. 80 – 91
Land Equivalent Ratio Analysis and Gross Monetary Returns of Sole and Intercropped Maize and Okra in the Southern Guinea Savanna Agro-ecological Zone of Nigeria
Atebije, S.M., Idenyi, E.S, Onojah, D.A., Abu, S.S., Agama, S.A. and Are, E.C. 92 – 105
Effects of Location, Cropping Season and Spatial Arrangements interactions on Growth and Yield Components of Maize in a Maize/Okra Mixture in The Southern Guinea Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria
Atebije, S.M., Omale, Z .Y., Ageini, C.M., Abu, S.S., Are, E.C., Aliyu, R. and Adah, H. 106 – 121
Pattern and Drivers of Child Labour Activities in Cashew Value Chain: Empirical Evidence from Kogi State, Nigeria
Ibrahim, M.K. 122 – 132
Analysis of Food Safety Practices and Dietary Diversity among Farming Households in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria
Ibitoye, Olushola and Akhigbe, S.O. 133 – 147
Constraints to Adoption of Farm Management Practices among Rural Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria
Edoka, M. H., Adejo, P.E. and Ojih, J.T. 148 – 157
Evaluation of the Effect of Organic Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L, moench) in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria
Okee, Joshua Ikabi 158 – 171
Effect of Organic Manure on the Growth of Cucumber in Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria
Okee, J.I., Agbaji, F. and Akogu, S.E. 172 – 182
Effect of Weeding Regime on the Growth and Yield of Two Varieties of Bambara Nut (Vigna subterranea, L. Verdc) in Anyigba, Kogi State
Akogu, S.E., Okee, J.I., Agbaji, F. and Onate, A.C. 183 – 193